Of Why's and How's
NaPoWriMo may be over, but poetry never is. On the last day of the month long challenge, the prompt from napowrimo.net was to write a minimalist poem. I looked at some short forms and wrote two other poems that I eventually didn't share. This is the first of those two other ones. I was experimenting with a form called Magic9, which uses the rhyming scheme abacadaba (Basically, spell Abracadabra and take out the R) but I was also trying to revisit the prompt from Day 28 to write a metapoem. So here you go, a somewhat minimalist metapoem written in the Magic9 form. And here's the second poem, written in the form of a Korean sijo poem, a 3-line poem of 44-46 syllables. I meant to share those poems ages ago but then I was writing my neverending PhD thesis and the blog kinda got put on a back burner, but then a couple of days ago my mind veered off into an existential ramble during morning papers and so I thought I would share that. Ahem. So here goes nothing. You ...