On returning from a break

Hello people! Haven't been here for two weeks, written nothing either because with a packed vacation schedule you barely have time to think or be alone and now I have no idea wat to write. Ugh! I hate this part where you have to pick up the momentum after a break. So here goes- I'll just be thinking out aloud and hope something coherent comes out of the ramble. I might also be a little jetlagged and going crazy from the all the lovely cracker-bombs which ensured I couldn't hear my own voice when I sat down with my harmonium (another thing to pick up after the break) so I'm not entirely sure I can hear myself think. What could go wrong? Let's begin.

First off, these people with so much anger about what other people wear or eat or who they love or sleep with- I would like to ask why? Who's stopping you from dressing up like an gauze-wrapped mummy, or any other way you want, sir? What are you afraid of? Being alone? Not fitting on? Are your clothes or your food all that you are? Are you afraid of being unloved? Or do you shout so much to shut up the gaping hole inside you? It's okay, really. We all  have emptiness inside us that we try to fill up with our little quests for accomplishments, romance, meaning... Most of the times, it works. Life works. But shouting only makes your throat sore and ultimately ineffective. May be if we could all love ourselves more then we wouldn't have to hide the self-hate by projecting it at others. Don't mind me here, I'm just rambling.

Sometimes I play this little game. I try to actively stop thinking and see what my mind throws up. And while it easn't easy to blank out, my mind surprises me sometimes with split seconds of random images that makes no sense- that I've never seen or imagined or can even recognize. Where do they come from? God? The OverSoul? The Collective Unconscious? Little green aliens? Or am I officially bonkers? Don't answer that question!

May be I'll come back with more coherence next week. I may even do a travelogue. Thanks for reading.

Twitter is running this hastag today, so:
Sometimes I wanna smash the world, sometimes I just wanna sing. Sometimes I need to think aloud, sometimes I need to scream.

You probably didn't like this ramble, so here are some older posts that you may like better:
To Those Who Hate- An Open Letter
What if the Universe Was Godless
The Flow
Fragments of Delirium
Once Upon a Nowhere


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